Did you know that hip surgery is the most common orthopaedic procedure performed in the elderly? It is estimated that about 90% of the hip surgeries performed by surgeons are on older adults. In a study published in the Indian Journal of Orthopaedics, it was revealed that out of the 1244 hip replacement surgeries, about 21% of the individuals needed revision surgery.
Utmost care is required after a hip replacement surgery to support their recovery and avoid revision surgeries. It is suggested to plan ahead to support your seniors after the surgery. Cleaning, running errands, physical assistance to walk, wound dressing, medical assistance, and mental support may be required by your loved ones. It can be challenging and arduous to be sandwiched between hustling the elders’ needs and personal needs. Caring for seniors after hip replacement surgery from home requires constant care, medical knowledge, and time. At Athulya Home Healthcare, we help reduce the burden on caregivers and aim to promote maximum recovery with the aid of our skilled nurses, nursing assistants and home physiotherapy.
Why is hip replacement surgery done?
The weakening of hip bones, loss of bone mineral density, and osteoarthritis of the hip joints list the seniors in need of hip replacement, Creating movements around the hip may ignite pain as the bearing surface that includes the head of the femoral bone is weakened. Leaving this untreated may sometimes even lead to deformities. Pain and stiffness in the hip can impact a senior’s quality of life whereas hip replacement surgery is an excellent solution to their struggles.
Caring post-surgery
The days following the surgery can be painful and uncomfortable for seniors. They are even prone to falls after surgery as their leg muscles, and joints may be weak and unstable due to aging. Hence, they require constant support to walk and perform their tasks. The space below casts light on ways to care for a senior after their hip replacement surgery.
- Assisting everyday activities
Assisting seniors with their daily activities helps reduce the chances of complications and aids in quick recovery. Tasks like bathing, grooming, dressing, eating, walking, etc., can be challenging after surgery and the support the caregiver extends gives them more confidence and a feeling of being cared for. Our caretakers extend elderly care at home by assisting and caring for them constantly.
- Nutritious diet
The nutritional needs of the senior after surgery shift gears requiring more protein, vitamin C, zinc, calcium, and vitamin D. Consuming foods like pulses, beans, legumes, paneer, yoghurt, nuts, seeds, vegetables, oranges, berries, apples, pomegranates, and sweet lime supports the recovery process by providing the essential nutrients. When seniors have co-morbidities such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or renal disease it is important to consult a dietitian and understand their nutritional needs.
- Safe environment
The floors and pathways they walk around should be clear of obstacles to reduce the risk of falls. After surgery, seniors may have difficulties in lifting their legs or feet while walking. Slippery rugs, toys, or any objects on the floor increase the risk of falls. It is also important to support their vision by keeping their eyewear clean as foggy or dirty eyewear poses great risks for injuries. Our nursing assistants ensure to assist them in walking, getting up from bed or chair, and sitting at all times and ensure the place is safe for them.
- Monitor medications
It is common for doctors to prescribe medicines that support the seniors’ recovery after surgery. Adhering to the prescribed medicines is extremely crucial to advocate a positive postoperative outcome.
The family members of the seniors may lack the medical knowledge and skills required to cover seniors’ health needs. We provide home nursing services for seniors where our trained nurses and caretakers monitor and help seniors adhere to medicines. Our nurses also coordinate with the doctors and therapists to keep track of the seniors’ health and follow the instructions given by the medical care team.
- Watch out for complications
In general, the complication rate after hip replacement surgery is low but it is always best to watch out for adverse symptoms, and signs of infections or blood clots in the surgical site. Our nurses ensure to bring the complications to the notice of doctors and seek immediate assistance to rule out the same.
- Adhere to follow-up appointments
Keeping track of the senior’s progress after hip replacement surgery is essential. Home doctor visits are also a part of Athulya Home Healthcare’s services. Our experts consult seniors at their homes and keep track of their progress thereby reducing the burden of travelling to hospital or doctor clinics.
- Physiotherapy
Rehabilitation therapists cast pivotal roles in the recovery of seniors after hip surgery. Practising physiotherapy at home helps strengthen the bones and improve mobility, and independence. Our physiotherapist plans a regimen that suits the senior’s physical status and guides them with appropriate exercises by visiting them at their homes. Physiotherapy helps improve the flexibility of hip muscles, blood circulation, and reduces pain, inflammation, and restores joint strength. The seniors also regain the ability to perform their tasks efficiently with much less dependence and progress in ambulation, Therefore, physiotherapy is an instrumental tool to improve the seniors’ quality of life after hip replacement surgery.
- Provide emotional support
The pain, anxiety, and increased dependence after the surgery can affect the seniors’ mental and emotional wellness. All that seniors sometimes need is a listening ear to share their thoughts and feelings. Making seniors know that they have your attention and emotional support is the greatest spirit lifter.
Winding up
Caring for a senior recovering from hip replacement surgery requires constant attention and support. Opting for elderly home care services eases their journey after surgery and facilitates enhanced recovery. Athulya Home Healthcare is a premium geriatric healthcare provider that supports seniors with essential services such as doctor consultation, nursing care, physiotherapy, counselling, and more. To learn more about us, check out our website Athulya Senior Care.
Information: This blog is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as a substitute for any treatment or diagnosis. Seek professional help in case of any emergency. Athulya is not responsible for any consequences.