Stroke Prevention for Seniors

 (4 mins read)

Stroke care

Stroke in older adults :

Stroke is one of the leading diseases causing disabilities in older adults. A stroke occurs when there is a change in the blood flow to the brain. When discussing stroke, older adults are more affected by stroke. Seniors of any age affected by stroke should be first provided with the best support and they should have access to the right kinds of care. The major risk factors for getting affected by stroke in older adults are hypertension or high blood pressure, Carotid and other arterial diseases, diabetes, high cholesterol, physical inactivity, drinking, smoking, obesity, atrial fibrillation and other heart diseases.

Stroke prevention in older adults:

Some of the preventive measures to control stroke in older adults are controlling hypertension, and diabetes, and maintaining lower cholesterol. Regular exercise also reduces the risk of getting affected by stroke in older adults. Above all this, good care support is mainly needed for our seniors with medical assistance.

How does Home Healthcare help senior’s recovering from a stroke?

Home health care would be the best choice to take good care of our seniors affected with stroke, home care includes professional support and care services to older adults, home care helps our aged seniors with their daily chores independently, home health care can be the key to older adults for a peaceful, independent and dignified life ahead. Therefore home health care helps seniors recover themselves after getting affected by stroke, it avoids unwanted hospitalization. Home health care provides companionship for older adults. Thus, the best home health care provider for seniors since 2004 is ATHULYA HOME HEALTH CARE, Athulya delivers the finest care for older adults with continuous intervention by medical teams, including doctors, skilled nurses, and personal attendants. Athulya is one of the leading home health care services in Chennai, they bring forth post-operative care and home attender services too. This would widely help older adults to overcome post-stroke recovery peacefully and confidently.

Post-stroke care at home for older adults:

  • The timeline of stroke recovery is different for every senior, it depends on their health and mental ability. The suggested care to be provided for older adults in the process of recovery from a stroke requires nursing home rehabilitation and home care.
  • A post-stroke care at home must have expert monitoring along with a care plan depending on the type of stroke.
  • A complete continuous clinical care is needed for older adults after being affected by stroke, as they would need help to do their everyday activities like bathing, dressing and eating, a nursing care can help them in all their sorts of work.
  • Nursing care helps our seniors to overcome stroke in the comfort of their homes. Therefore Athulya nursing care services in Chennai impart nursing care services for older adults. Nursing assistants in Athulya take superior personal care of seniors and supports the patient in every way.
  • Physiotherapy is one of the essential parts in process of stroke recovery, it helps to regain the movements and helps older adults for fast recovery, as a result of being affected by stroke older adults cant visit a physiotherapist regularly in that case Athulya home health care delivers home physiotherapy services. This would help older adults stay in one place without travelling.
  • Older adults become mentally and physically unstable after being affected by a stroke for that reason complete medical counselling is necessary for the seniors for post-stroke recovery. Athulya home health care offers the most comprehensive and evaluative medical counselling at home for elders affected with stroke.
  • With sufficient care we can regain the normal functional life of our older adults and also can make sure the overall well being of seniors.

Balanced diet for older adults :

  • Older adults should have control over their blood pressure, diabetes and cholesterol levels, hence foods rich in cholesterol and sugar level should be avoided.
  • A balanced diet should be followed every day, the diet should include healthy foods like fruits, vegetables.
  • Plant-based diet is always recommended.
  • Older adults are advised to exercise regularly. Moderate exercises like walking for 20 minutes regularly can lower the risk of getting affected by a stroke.
  • Senior are suggested to visit a general physician regularly.