Nourishing Your Recovery: Understanding the Significance of Nutrition in Serious Illness Treatment

 (5 mins read)

Protein diet for seniors

Recovering from a serious illness can pose several challenges to the elderly. Nature of the disease, stress, metabolic, and physiological changes resulting from illness change the nutritional status of the individual. Nutrition is the linchpin in the wheel of recovery from illness as it assists in effective treatment outcomes, prevents deficiency, inhibits complications, and improves the quality of life.

Barriers to Achieving Nutrition Targets
The common challenges that block one’s way to being nutritionally adequate are,
● Gastrointestinal discomforts like vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and delayed gastric emptying.
● Poor dental health is most common in the elderly. Missing teeth, weak gums, and loss of taste buds’ activity affect the lubrication, chewing, and swallowing of foods.
● Medications administered can trigger adverse symptoms like anorexia, dry mouth, intestinal disturbances, altered taste, etc.
● Dehydration caused due to renal dysfunction or cardiovascular disease, and disease-induced metabolic changes. Reduced water levels can affect the patient’s digestion and intake of food.
● Psychological transformations namely depression, loneliness, anxiety, and stress may suppress appetite and impact hunger.

Nutrients on the Limelight
Illness in seniors shifts the nutritional gears to an increased need for energy, protein, fiber, and micronutrients. The important nutrients and foods to be focused on for a nourishing bounce back from illness are discussed below,
Protein: A protein-rich diet for seniors helps to maintain muscle mass and strength, bone density, repairs damaged tissues and promotes faster recovery. Food sources of protein are lean meat, fish, eggs, soy products, dairy products, pulses, and legumes.
Dietary Fiber: Fiber is integral in promoting healthy gut microbiota and digestion. Whole grains, fruits, vegetables, beans, and nuts are foods that should partake in the everyday diet.
Iron: Being an integral part of hemoglobin, iron deficiency can lead to anemia and alter treatment outcomes. Iron-rich foods like green leafy vegetables, legumes, poultry, egg, and fish help prevent deficiency.
Calcium: Consuming adequate calcium helps to strengthen bones, prevent bone fractures, and muscle cramps, and is essential for the normal functioning of the heart and nerves. Dairy products like milk, paneer, yogurt, curd, fortified drinks, fortified soy milk, almonds, and chia seeds are some of the calcium-rich foods to be considered while planning meals.
Vitamin D: This sunshine vitamin shines positive effects in nutrient absorption, immunity-building, and enhanced recovery from illness. Along with exposure to sunlight, foods like fortified fruit juices, fortified flour, egg yolk, salmon, and tuna provide the needed vitamin.
Vitamin B12: It is an essential part of red blood cells and helps intensify the immune response to illness. Animal foods such as meat, fish, eggs, poultry, and dairy products are primary sources of the vitamin. People following a vegetarian diet can include fortified cereals and fortified plant-based milks and supplements (if required) to hit the requirement.
Omega- 3 fatty acids: This immune-enhancing and anti-inflammatory nutrient can be obtained from foods like walnuts, flaxseeds, soybeans, chia seeds, legumes, salmon, sardines, tuna, and mackerel.

Supplements: A Helpful Companion
Dietary supplements are concentrated forms of nutrients available as pills, powders, gels, and drinks. They act as an add-on along with a balanced diet in the treatment of critical illness and should be consumed only after consulting a professional. Zinc supplements aid in enhancing immunity, control, and wound healing, and inhibit free radical production. Glutamine acts as an essential nutrient for the digestive system and improves intestinal integrity, prevents complications, and boosts immunity. Omega-3 fatty acids are potent anti-inflammatory compounds and can be supplemented when unable to meet the need through food.

Tips for Better Care
The goals in planning meals for seniors are to meet their nutritional needs, maintain weight, promote recovery, and prevent complications. Here are a few tips to guide the recovery journey,
● Small, frequent meals should be consumed throughout the day.
● Three main meals which include breakfast, lunch, and dinner should be balanced with carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats.
● Snacks should be of small quantity and rich in protein, fiber, and micronutrients.
● Foods should be cooked at semi-soft, soft, or liquid consistency based on the senior’s dental health. The foods prepared should be easy to chew, swallow and digest.
● Vitamin-rich fruits and vegetables should be consumed regularly as micronutrients play several macro roles in the body.
● Go low on salt, sugar, and fat. Increased in
● Take of salt can increase the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and renal dysfunction. Sugary foods hold bitter news during recovery in the elderly. Saturated and trans fats like deep-fried foods, butter, margarine, and processed foods should be kept at bay.
● Nutritional supplements should be used as a bonus to food intake and not as a replacement.
● Drink water as per doctor’s advice and stay hydrated.
● Unintentional weight loss is frequently reported in sick elderly patients. Ensuring maintenance of body weight and improving muscle strength is crucial in the geriatric population.

Wrapping Up
Malnutrition could be the action of or a reaction to serious illness. Recovery from a serious illness depends on the treatment and the individual’s health status. Consuming healthy and nutritious foods for senior care is of primary importance to promote effective treatment outcomes and ward off complications. Athulya is the one-stop solution for all your worries. From administering skilled nursing care for elders to planning their meal plates by Dietitians, Athulya Home Care has got everything you want. To learn more, kindly visit our homepage Athulya Home Care.