Five Myths about Food and Nutrition for Senior Citizens

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Food and Nutrition for Senior Citizens

Simple and balanced diet – a very easily crackable concept! All it takes is willingness and a dedicated diet routine and you’re good to go.

As we age, the common misconceptions actually gets a subconscious grip of you and we are here to help bust those myths for you which in turn actually makes you monitor your system even minutely with great awareness.

Here are 5 senior nutrition myths that many people very frequently and commonly accept but it is important to overcome to live a life of wellness and good health.

Myth No #1 : Older people naturally lose their appetite

It is true that our intake reduces as we age, but it not a hard and fast rule that your metabolism has to take a backseat if you age. A loss of appetite can indicate an underlying medication condition that’ll need immediate diagnosis. You can also keep an eye for the weighing scale from time to time to keep a note of your weight fluctuations and you might want to consult with your doctor when there is a sudden drastic weight loss to determine the reason for the same.

Myth No #2 : Food is the only fuel for the body
Of course, there’s no two ways when it comes to loading up on the right nutrients that YOUR body requires, for bone mobility, sustained energy and mild affection of diseases. Eating in a common dining room can make you develop an interest in a community eating experience and it also means regular meals and adequate intervals between each meal.

Myth No #3 : Seniors with weak appetites can skip meals
Skipping meals is never a good idea for anyone at any age! You’ll never realise when forgoing meals become a routine – it’s a full cycle. First it dampens your metabolism, zapping your overall strength, fluctuations in your blood pressure counts and this can easily trigger off other health conditions.
That said, if you have a slow appetite, try breaking down your meals into smaller portions.

Myth No #4 : Only drink water when you are thirsty
If someone feels thirsty and are reaching out for the water bottle, they are already dehydrated. Dehydration can constitute to such delirium and exhaustion, hamper the functioning of your kidney. Seniors don’t tend to sense when they are thirsty and that can be tricky and risky, making fluid intake an hourly affair is essential.

Myth No #5: Supplements are enough!
Seniors can’t live off of supplements and vitamin tablets alone. The body works best when it is working – digesting food. Many senior patients actually live longer, have a great memory power and purely through the diet regimen they follow. Sure, it works differently for each body but a simple eating habit with nourishing food is an easy fix.

We’d only leave you with a word of advice – to simply do what your body tells you to do and not go by a rule-book that everyone follows. Your body knows what it needs and it’s always dropping hints every now and then, all you have to do keep note.
Always remember, happy you = happy cells!

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